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A Path Less Taken 

August Newsletter

Hello Soul Family !

Welcome and thank you so much for signing up for the Newsletter + Blog . I am so grateful and amazed to have such a loving community and soul tribe that has been so supportive of my efforts and my teachings. I always dreamt I was meant to do something, but I never imagined that this quiet , shy girl would be one day channeling wisdom from spirit, or facilitate healing in others. It is a great honor and I Thank You from the bottom of my heart always …

I have always loved writing and found it one my easiest ways of expressing myself, and channeling wisdom. I have an inkling that I was a scribe in another life , and so writing has been a gift I chose to come back with.

Words have the power to heal , and while social media has been a wonderful platform , I love the thought of a Newsletter which can contain all in one place , whats going on, and current inspiration for the month - which you can read and discover at your own pace. Especially if you are not a subscriber to Instagram.

So here in the newsletter you will find energy updates for the month ahead , astrological events occurring , articles or links I feel my be helpful tools, and of course , if you are a crystal lover and guardian , information about upcoming LIVE SALES , or special offers on the website , available only via the NEWSLETTER. I look forward to your feedback so that I can make this journey, lighter , supportive and more joyful !

So lets get to it !





Crystal By Arura

Astrological Events - whats going on in the sky + beyond




The beautiful Full Moon in Aquarius has been calling us to release and purge our old thought patterns at a deeper level. Aquarius is an Air Sign , it is represented by the Star Card in the Tarot Deck.

The Star is all about Healing , Hope , Renewal .

Aquarius is also all about the NEW !! They are a progressive, independent, intelligent, unique, and an idealistic bunch. They are also fun.

So I really feel it is time to look at life in a new fun way ! after all , are we not in the Age of Aquarius ?

I was guided to pull the Unicorn Cards for the Energy , and we got three cards.

Whats most interesting was the cards came out as 987. When I looked up the Angel Number 789 heres what I got. ( see insta post here)

Angel Number 987 is also a sign that your angels are helping you to manifest financial supply in order to sustain and support with your life choices, chosen lifestyle and career. It tells you that your material and financial wants and needs will be met as you continue serving your soul mission.

And that’s exactly what the cards tell us – we are in a magical time, where are our wishes are coming true. The Lions Gate portal is all about Abundance and the Infinite Supply of it .

The Number 8 is the Infinity symbol. The Lions gate portal - Leo is symbolized by the Sun. The happiest card in the Tarot Deck. And it represents the Heart Center,

Yet , we are being asked and guided, to choose with our hearts, with compassion , wisdom and LOVE. To co create, to stay in our Feminine Energy , whether man or woman.

Just remember that abundance comes in all forms, it is an energy. It isn’t about collecting more, but gratitude for all we have , which by law of Attraction , brings more.

Before this Lions Gate portal commences, clear out old programming and toxic thoughts, clear your mental and physical environment too.This is going to come up anyway for the rest of the year. This is a year for setting the foundation.

Whether it is outdated cycles, patterns , lack attitudes, clinging onto the old that serves no purpose , MAKE PLACE FOR THE NEW.

Work with Moonstone and Sun Stone. Or Selenite and Golden Toned stones. Amethyst is also calling out to me or fluorite to balance your mind and crown chakra.

What is coming up big time is healing our Wounded Inner Child. When we heal this, we understand where our thought patterns come from.

SO love all parts of yourself and allow your healing to occur at your own pace.

Sending many Blessings your way,




Every year from July 28th until August 12th, the Lion’s Gate opens with its energy peaking on 8/8 . This is where the Sun is in Leo and we witness the star Sirius moving closer to Earth, which is seen in alignment with Orion’s belt. We can witness this powerful synchronicity as we find the Sun, Sirius, and Orion’s belt in alignment with the Egyptian Pyramids of Giza. This is the point where the Earth’s in alignment with the Galactic Center of the Universe. This allows the powerful portal to be in play for an energetic acceleration for our awakening.


Sirus is also known as the Spiritual Sun . It is twice the size of our Sun and 26x brighter! It is a serious source of spiritual light on the inner spiritual planes. Sirius represents abundance and fertility.

In July Light Codes streamed in , and now in August , we are Activating them, with choices made for the life we choose to live rather than what we were living in based on fear based programming.

So Ask yourself what Abundance means to you and your ideas around it. Remember they are just ideas. They are not the last and final world. Our thoughts shape our universe, so be mindful of them.

Claim your blessings , you are worth it..

Arura Crystal

Art by Aarti


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I'll be going LIVE ON INSTA to talk about the Lions Gate Energies.

Time: 10 PM Indian standard Time. Please convert according to your time zone.

Countdown is in Insta Stories.

Replay will be available on IGTV .

Arura Crystal

15.8 2020 - OUR 7TH LIVE SALE


If you have never attended a LIVE SALE with me please do. The energy is electric ! I show you crystals for purchase and anyone is free to claim these babies.

Please note ,there are NOT REDUCED PRICES. This is stock at regular prices . if I feel called to reduce the Energy Exchange for a Crystal during the Live, it is done on the spot.

LIVE SALE RULES will go up on insta prior to the sale.

What’s special about this LIVE SALE ? I will be charging and blessing the crystals with the energy of the 8.8 Lions Gate Portal. So expect strong vibes !


Please do come join my new page @thecosmickitchen_ on Instagram for deeper insights , more wisdom , soul growth.

Feed your soul light !


Finally , I have completed the second batch of an Intensive Inner Child Healing Course through Journalling ! And am ready to start batch 3 in the Middle \ End of Aug. Please Email for details. I will take no more than a group of 3.

Or if you are interested in an AKASHIC READING , click the link here.

That’s it from our Newsletter this month.! Please leave your valuable feedback ..

Blessings + Good Vibes always xxx Aarti

Crystal By Arura

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