Rutile quartz
solar plexus

planet : VENUS
Also known as Rutile in Quartz, Venus' Hair Stone, Golden Hair Quartz, Red Hair Quartz
Rutilated quartz, is Quartz with fine needle like rutile embedded in it. The rutile needles can be reddish, which is what rutile means in Latin, or they may be golden, silvery, black or on very rare occasions, greenish.
A stone of movement, Rutile Quartz shifts energies within the emotional, physical and mental bodies. It diminishes fear by deflecting unwanted energies.
An energizing stone, that gets energy which is stuch moving- making it perfect for those seeking to transform or bring change in their lives.
*Assists with mental focus. It is also said to attract love and stabilize relationships. Rutilated quartz said to be particularly effective for getting things moving energetically.
*Helps slowed chakras return to normal spin and balance.
*Reveals the root causes of mental blocks. reputed diminishes fears and be excellent at assisting with decision-making processes.
* Used in meditation, spiritual communications, and dream work it promotes higher spiritual experiences and meditation on feminine ideas.
colour Clear Quartz with reddish, Golden or Black needle like inclusions
movement, shifting , revealing