throat + third eye

planet : NEPTUNE
This brilliantly blue crystal is known as The transition stone. It works with the throat and Third Eye, enhancing communication and stimulating latent psychic gifts.
Cavansite will assist you with major life changes, letting go of outdated thought patterns and help in accepting new ones. It also has a beautiful heart energy - the blue ray of truth, creativity and communication.
This is a wonderful stone for those dealing with grief. Cavansite is not a common stone and can be expensive.
*helps you access deeper states of meditation
*aids understanding of past experiences, accepting the lesson and moving on.
*use it to connect with your higher guides,
*helps the healing of the body, by helping it remember its natural state of wellness
*can help to access the Akashic Records in meditation.
Cavansite has a beautiful happy and optimistic vibration. It helps one learn lessons in life with joy and ease, rather than through suffering and confusion.
colour: a brilliant electric blue occurring as nodules
transition, intuition, transformation, akashic records