March is here.

Updated: Mar 28, 2022

Spring is on its way. March. The 3rd month of the year.

Of course time is an illusion but man with all his need for logic and order created a system.

Because you might not be able to handle the infinity of time. Rather the timelessness.

Three represents the Trinity. The triangle. The season where everything steps out of its slumber and reaches out upward. To the divine.

The winter is over.It's a time for growth.

Aspire to reach out to the divine in you.

Leave behind the comfort of the messy soil .

Reach out to the sun.


Let the heat of the situation provide the fuel for your growth.

Enough is enough. Take charge now. You're ready for the next step and you're ready to make a go.

Don't try to be something you are not.

It's only your own image that's holding you back.

Like the sapling.. allow nature to take its course. The oak is programmed to grow into an oak.

It doesn't try to be a beech.

So who are you kidding ?

Rise and shine .

We have a sky to reach up to.

Crystals to work with for Growth -


Moss Agate

Tiger Eye

Have a exciting month ahead - the journey is what's important.